4 research outputs found

    Improving Students’ Speaking Skill Through Neurological Impress Method Of Second Grade Of Senior High School At Islamic Boarding School Arraudhatul Hasanah Medan In The Academic Year Of 2017/2018.

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    This research was applied by Classroom Action Research (CAR). The Classroom Action Research that is used in this research adopting the Kammis and Taggart Research Design; it consists of 2 cycles. Every cycle consists of four phases those are: planning, acting, observing and reflecting. The subject of this research is the students in XI IPS-2 class consists 26 students. In collecting the data, this research uses interview, observation sheet, questionnaire sheet, photography and test. Based on the research findings, it can be said that using Neurological Impress Method in teaching speaking is success since the criteria of success were achieved. First, the criterion of action success is 75% of students could achieve the target of the minimal mastery level criteria or KKM of English lesson was 75 (seventy-five). The findings of the study are 5 students or 19.23% of students in the class who achieved the minimal mastery level criterion or KKM in pre test. Next, in the result of posttest in cycle 1, there are 8 or 30.76% students who achieved the minimal mastery level criterion or KKM. Next, in the result of posttest in cycle 2, they were 21 or 80.76% students who achieved the minimal mastery level criterion or KKM. Second, related to the observation result showed that the students were braver and more confident in speaking. It can be seen from their participation in the class, their participation in the speaking, and their performance. Third, related to the interview result showed that the students were comment positive about speaking skill and applying Neurological Impress Method in teaching learning process. Fourth, related to the questionnaire result, it is proved that the response of the students toward the teacher professionalism and their interest in learning speaking using Neurological Impress Method. It can be concluded that most students love Neurological Impress Method. Moreover, they admitted that their speaking skill is improved. Fifth, related to the photography result showed that the activities in learning process, participation, and performance from students. From the findings, I include that from my method, this method can improve the students speaking skill

    Technology Acceptance Model in Socrative as a Learning Grammar Software: Higher Education Students’ Perception

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    Technological advancement that are happening today provide many conveniences, including in the world of education, especially teaching writing. The main objective of this research is to find out how students perceive the use of Socrative to teach English grammar. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Students enrolled in the second semester of the English Education Study Program for the 2022–2023 academic year are the participants. Interviews and questionnaires were used to collect data for this investigation. The questionnaire included 20 (twenty) items regarding perceived utility and perceived ease of use, which the  technology acceptance model (TAM) theory has developed to ensure the reliability and validity of the questionnaire. The findings of this research indicated that students have a very good evaluation of the use of social constructions in teaching grammar. The results proved that they accept the application of Socrative well in their learning proces

    The Role of Culture in Enhancing Students’ Language Acquisition: Teacher’s Strategy

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    The aim of this research is to understand the role of culture in enhancing students’ foreign language acquisition.  The researchers concluded that language and culture have a very close relationship. Therefore, this study wanted to examine whether the Ustadzah at the Darul Ihsan Islamic boarding school in the expanse of silver had implemented it in their classrooms properly. This research used a qualitative descriptive method. The research participants are two English teachers in Islamic boarding schools. The result of this study is that the teacher knows about the importance of understanding cultural literacy in a classroom then if a teacher wants to make students master the language well to speak and interact, a teacher should give an understanding to students about the role of culture in the use of cultural resources, literary culture and authentic ingredients


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    This study aimed to identify the most common teachers' talk in EFL classrooms as well as the reasons that influenced their selection. This research focused on the teacher's perception of how the teacher talks with students in class and some of the challenges that teachers might face while interacting with students to encourage students in the learning process to take place. The participants of this research were 2 English teachers who received professional training in English teaching as part of the undergraduate program. They were English teachers at an integrated Islamic school in Medan. The observations were made to describe the teacher interview process data and also the learning carried out by the teacher to find insights about how the teacher talks and what challenges the teacher faced when interacting with students in class. This study used a qualitative descriptive method. The findings in this study were that the teacher applied more dominant English communication as input. Teachers felt that increasing the use of the target language will be more challenging because it is influenced by several aspects, such as the motivation, attitude, and skills of the teacher and students. In addition, when the teacher spoke it varies greatly on several levels based on the factors that influence the teacher and student. The results of this study also showed that most teacher conversations are used in the form of questions, then explaining the lesson, giving directions to students, and praising or encouraging students. Apart from that, because students are considered as learners or beginners, class interaction must be adjusted to the right and appropriate choice of language so that communication becomes easier and more effective. In addition, the analysis of teachers’ talk in the classroom would be beneficial for teachers to plan and conduct enhanced learning situations